University of Göttingen  |  Faculty of Biology  |  Institute of Microbiology and Genetics  |  Dept. of Bioinformatics

jpHMM-HIV [Result]

Input data:

jpHMM result:

Sequence #1: >BF1_AX032749_EU446022

This sequence is related to subtype(s): B F1

Start Position
Uncertainty Region
Start - End
Breakpoint Interval
Start - End
End Position
Position in the original sequence [pred_recombination], [recombination_incl_UR_and_BPI], [UR_and_BPI]
1 - - 789 N/A
790 - 1501 - 1530 1530 B
1531 - 1750 - 1832 1808 F1
1809 3287 - 3589 5077 - 5116 5095 B
5096 - 5368 - 5404 5397 F1
5398 - 6883 - 6918 6899 B
6900 - 7153 - 7171 7165 F1
7166 - - 8060 B
Position based on HXB2 numbering [pred_recombination] [recombination_incl_UR_and_BPI] [UR_and_BPI]
1 - - 789 N/A
790 - 1501 - 1530 1530 B
1531 - 1750 - 1832 1808 F1
1809 3287 - 3589 5077 - 5116 5095 B
5096 - 5368 - 5404 5397 F1
5398 - 6893 - 6928 6909 B
6910 - 7169 - 7184 7178 F1
7179 - - 8073 B
Genome map (based on HXB2 numbering)
sequence 1 genome map

  • Numbers in the above figure denote intervals for recombination breakpoints based on HXB2 numbering.
  • The uncolored regions denote missing information due to input fragment sequence.
  • The gray regions denote missing infomation due to uninformative subtype models (subtype: N/A).
  • The sequence regions of less than 10 nucleotides long are too short to be mapped onto the genome map.
Posterior probabilities of the subtypes (based on HXB2 numbering)
sequence 1 posterior probabilities

Posterior probabilities of the subtypes at each sequence position (original sequence positions) calculated by jpHMM: [text]

Alignment of the query sequences to the HXB2 sequence determined by jpHMM: query_to_ref_alignments.txt

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